
Moving Toward a Beloved Community – Dec. 10, 2021

“A prophet is someone who sees that this is not all there is, but is willing to face the fact that we are in a predicament, and it’s only as we co-participate with God, can we find ourselves moving in the direction of a beloved community.” –Walter Brueggemann and Kenyatta Gilbert, What Does It Mean To […]

Entrusted to Act – Dec. 9, 2021

“Obviously, Martin Luther King was exceptional and he was dispatched by God in a peculiar way, and I think the same thing is true about William Barber now, but that doesn’t let the rest of us off the hook. The same mandate is available to those of us who are less gifted. We are entrusted […]

Judgement and Hope – Dec. 7, 2021

“A prophet is someone that tries to articulate the world as though God were really active in the world. And, that means on the one hand, to identify those parts of our world order that are contradictory to God, and on the other hand, it means to talk about the will and purpose that God […]