
Living Light and Free

The entirety of God’s realm is ours if only we give away all we own.* Fear attaches to whatever we cannot release, becoming a ruinous mold in the dark isolation of our grasping and clutching. Fear infiltrates our life, alters our breathing and shows up masked as various anxieties and dis-eases. Fear erodes the realm […]

True Encounter

“At the intersection of death and life, we encounter Jesus. Not only at points of death, not only in the fullness of life, but at times and places where the two brush up against one another, where we meet ourselves on the narrow bridge between hope and despair, are we most apt to meet him. […]

The Gift

Today we celebrate the Feast of Epiphany: the mystery of God’s revelation in the form of the Christ child. The ancient story foretold in the Hebrew Scriptures and told anew in the gospel of Matthew (2:1-12) has been sung throughout the ages, portrayed in numerous works of art, and reenacted in many a school play […]

June 25, 2018

I Know How the Fly Felt by Kayla McClurg Trapped in the window Between glass and screen, She hums and crawls All of two inches Before hitting a deadend. Stuck. Wedged tight Between helpless and hopeless. I open the window, Setting the captive free. Alleluia! Sing loud and long of the Sweet dancing joy of […]