
Do More, Be More, Have More

Right after his glorious confirmation, right after being assured of his place and purpose—“This is my beloved, in whom I am well pleased”—Jesus faces the wilderness.* Great assurance, followed by great difficulty. Is it possible we heard wrong our calling? Have we strayed from the path? Surely God does not mean for the way to […]

Do What is Ours to Do

I wonder if they were surprised when Jesus said they didn’t need more faith, that even the tiniest seed of faith is enough. What matters is to put faith into practice, to do what is ours to do. Like bookends, at the start is, “Increase our faith,” and at the end, “We have done what […]

Managing God’s Business

Jesus tells of a rich land owner who gives authority over his property to a manager, who subsequently squanders the wealth and is brought to account.* The manager turns to others who also are indebted to the rich man and cuts some new deals, thus endearing himself to them in the hope that they will […]

Stand Up, Be Free

She has suffered for a lifetime.* Each 18-year segment of our lives, fertile with potential, yields a bounty of experiences. Given 18 years, we can reach a distant destination, achieve a desired goal. We can take up new callings, relinquish what limits us, become more fully ourselves. In 18 years we journey from birth through […]