
Callings – Kayla’s House, Vita Poetica, Bye Kent!, Pay it Forward, Earthen Hands

Callings – Fall 2021 Fall’s issue of Callings starts off with a piece by Bill Mefford about the renaming of Andrew’s House after its beloved longtime resident and CoS administrator Kayla McClurg, and Marjory solicits out-of-print books for the CoS library that will be housed there. Julie Wan describes her Arts and Faith Collective, Vita Poetica, and Dayspring community […]

Never Hunger, Never Thirst

The crowds searched for Jesus, hoping for another miracle. The people search him out, seeking a miraculous sign.* Or rather, seeking yet another sign. And another. And then, maybe another, if you don’t mind. We keep asking for more and more of what we already have. We want to see again what we have been […]

Witness for Peace

Suddenly he is among them. All that he represented to them had come to a violent end–and now he has returned. All they treasured had been ripped away, and now is with them again, beyond their understanding. “Peace to you,” he says, almost casually. “Why are you troubled?”* As though he does not know. As […]

Facing Pain

How it must have pained Jesus to reveal to his closest friends that he was leading them on a path that was going to bring suffering and rejection. Ultimately, it would bring even death.* We want our friends not to worry, not to dread what lies ahead, and yet we also want to be able […]