
Do More, Be More, Have More

Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted there. Right after his glorious confirmation, right after being assured of his place and purpose—“This is my beloved, in whom I am well pleased”—Jesus faces the wilderness. Great assurance, followed by great difficulty. Is it possible we heard wrong our calling? […]

Living Faith

I have been pondering what it means to have faith. To cultivate a life where I listen with the ear of the heart and act with the conviction that my life is meant to bear witness to Love. But not just me and my life, you and yours too, each of us born to be a […]

The Upside-Down Way

Jesus turns the usual ways of the world—the standards by which we have learned to order our lives—upside down. We have been taught competition over cooperation, revenge over reconciliation, leading over following, enhancing our importance over humbly submitting to one another. When we attend a function, we have learned to scan the room and find […]

Rules for the Journey

Jesus appoints a group of 72 to go ahead of him. They will test the waters, see where the welcome waits and where it does not. More importantly, they will leave the secure camaraderie of their tight circle and venture forth, two by two, into God’s wide world of blessed and bewildered people. To prepare […]