Late Night Hunger

John 3:1-17 As a night owl, most of my best thinking (and worrying) is done late at night. It’s often equal parts lonely and sacred. There’s a comfort knowing that Nicodemus, a big deal among the religious leaders, came to see Jesus late one night. Maybe a bit embarrassed. Maybe a bit worried. Certainly curious. […]

May 4, 2018

  Success and failure ultimately have little to do with living the gospel. Jesus just stood with the outcasts until they were welcomed in or until he was crucified, whichever came first…. All Jesus asks is, “Where are you standing?” And after chilling defeat and soul-numbing failure, He asks again, “Are you still standing there?”  Gregory […]

Grapes of God

John 15:1-8 (For Kayla) Jesus is talking to his disciples around the last supper table. Moments before, he washed his friend’s feet, much to their bewilderment. The gospel writer lets us know how much Jesus has to say to them. Time was of the essence. There were a great deal of instructions. Maybe that’s why he washed their feet […]