
Not the Truth – Nov. 23, 2021

“Every time you feel hurt, offended, or rejected, you have to dare to say to yourself: “These feelings, strong as they may be, are not telling me the truth about myself. The truth, even though I cannot feel it right now, is that I am the chosen child of God, precious in God’s eyes, called […]

To Dissolve Our Fear – Nov. 4, 2021

“This is a good time to remember that when we harden our heart against anyone, we hurt ourselves. The fear habit, the anger habit, the self-pity habit—all are strengthened and empowered when we continue to buy into them. The most compassionate thing we can do is to interrupt these habits. Instead of always pulling back […]

The Truth about Yourself – July 15, 2021

“First of all, you have to keep unmasking the world about you for what it is: manipulative, controlling, power-hungry, and, in the long run, destructive. The world tells you many lies about who you are, and you simply have to be realistic enough to remind yourself of this. Every time you feel hurt, offended, or […]

On Being with Seane Corn – Sep. 16, 2020

“I always pray for the people who have hurt and harmed me, and just when I think I’ve forgiven them, I forgive them again, because always that energy will rear its head… Otherwise, I’m holding onto that shadow of anger; and the inability to forgive, they say, is a poison you take hoping someone else […]