Using Our Gifts – May 24, 2023

“Every person has the task of releasing angels by shaping and transfiguring the raw materials that lie about [them] so that they become houses and machinery and pictures and bridges. How we do this—how we “build the earth,” to use Teilhard de Chardin’s phrase—is determined by the discovery and use of our gifts.” —Elizabeth O’Connor, Eighth […]


Glory* is one of those weird, special, Christian-ish words that rarely gets used in everyday life. While the official definition has something to do with praise and honor, in my mind it is always connected with light. A long, long time ago, when I lived in Jerusalem, I became friendly with a woman that I […]

The House of Belonging – Feb. 14, 2023

“This is the bright home in which I live, this is where I ask my friends to come, this is where I want to love all the things it has taken me so long to learn to love. This is the temple of my adult aloneness and I belong to that aloneness as I belong […]

The Angel’s Call

I’m writing on the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. A wise time to go within… to listen for the crisp call of angels. As the light fades to gray, a bright red bird perches in a dark, barren tree. Now, all things are more easily seen. The air leans hard against us, heavy and […]