Thank God I’m Not Like Them

Some of the people I enjoy following on social media are former students of mine who write passionately and eloquently about the theological and ethical issues at the heart of our country’s divisions over abortion, same-sex marriage, and racism, among other things. I am frequently in awe of the beauty and clarity of their writing, […]

To Break a Promise – Sept. 6, 2022

“Breaking promises is something most human beings have to do often, in order to remain true to the deeper underlying current of their lives and just as often, the lives of those to whom they made the promise: but it is not something we often do well.” –David Whyte, Essentials, p. 44

The Burning

I’ve come to start a fire…      —Luke 12:49-56, The Message In the days when a hearth fire kept the family alive, our ancestors learned to bank the fire before they went to sleep, pushing the logs and coals together to preserve the slow burning. It was important to keep it smoldering through the night, ready to […]

Bearing Sorrow – June 7, 2022

“And you must be able to bear your sorrow; even if it seems to crush you, you will be able to stand up again, for human beings are so strong, and your sorrow must become an integral part of yourself; you mustn’t run away from it but bear it like an adult. Do not relieve […]