
A Burning Spirit – Aug. 22, 2019

Who is the Holy Spirit?The Holy Spirit is a Burning Spirit.Like tympanum and lyre it plays them,gathering volume in the temple of the soul.The Holy Spirit isLife-giving-life.All movement. Root of all being.Purifier of all impurity.Absolver of all faults.Balm of all wounds.Radiant life, worthy of all praiseThe Holy Spirit resurrects and awakenseverything that is. –Hildegard of […]

Fire Upon the Earth

What does fire mean for you? Is it light? Warmth? Threat? Comfort? Power? Destruction? Apocalypse? Do you fear fire, or welcome it? And when Jesus says, “I came to bring fire upon the earth,” does it imply trouble or transformation?* As a potter, fire is my friend. It is the end stage of turning clay […]

Breath, Salve, Fire – June 12, 2019

“Holy Spirit, you are the breath of all creatures. You are the salve that purifies our souls. You are the ointment that heals our wounds. You are the fire that warms our hearts. You are the light that guides our feet. Let all the world praise you.” –Hildegard of Bingen, Scivias