
Surrender to Love

I like to mull things over.  Then I’m ready to speak, ask questions and engage in conversation. In the gospel reading, Nicodemus had unanswered questions, despite all the resources he had at hand.*  As a Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin, he was recognized for his legal skill and understanding of Jewish tradition.  Nicodemus had […]

The Spirit of Truth

Picture of stones placed into a tower by the ocean.

I will send you the Comforter—the Spirit of truth who will teach you. When the Spirit of truth comes, we will know the truth, and we will be freed to share it naturally with others. We will not need to dress it up or try to make it sweeter to swallow. Knowing the truth will comfort […]

Protected and Free

Jesus’ final prayer for his disciples in John 17* is simple:  protect them from evil, that they may be one as we are one.  Evil pervaded Jesus’ world as it does our world.  His death was, in great part, due to evil.  It doesn’t appear that he was protected from it.  What does he mean […]


I tapped a tuning fork on the table, and placed it to my ear.  More than hearing it, I felt it.  A chord plucked within me.  It entered at a level that made me wonder what other sounds wanted to introduce themselves.  It reminded me of the prayer I recently heard, spoken in a tongue […]