
Living Bread

In today’s Gospel* Jesus says, “I am the living bread. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. The living father sent me.”  I am moved by the immediate and also timeless intimacy and gratuity of these words. Now and forever. I am in awe at how they so simply state the activity of divine grace […]


I have taped to my computer a question my meditation teacher posed to our group this week:  How can we shift from chasing love to being love? Exploring this question leads me to a multitude of thoughts about love and acceptance of self, including the parts of self that I find more human than divine. […]

Good Questions

I teach a class for young adults who want to go to college. Some of them have earned their GEDs at our school, while others graduated from high school but didn’t make the leap straight to college because of the pandemic, or money, or mental health challenges, or not feeling academically prepared. During my class, […]


Manje kwit pa gen met — Cooked food has no owner.  Haitian proverbs are as beautiful and expressive as their people.  A gorgeous spirit of sharing spills throughout the land.  I was on the receiving end of such food there, which fed me in more ways than one.  It was there that I met a […]