Too Much to Lose
Just a few weeks ago, I was writing about John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus, so I guess it should come as no surprise that reading about the visit of the Magi* I’m struck by the contrast between Herod’s and John’s responses to the coming of Jesus. After all, their situations have a […]
The Power of Blessing
When a much-admired elder said, “Why don’t you bring your teaching gifts into the church?” I replied, “Oh no, I haven’t been to seminary.” “Nonsense!” he said. This simple exchange was a turning point in my life. It was a simple word of blessing that planted a seed. More than a compliment, I felt […]
Embracing Mystery
Image: Annunciation by Henry Ossawa Tanner Christmas is upon us. How is your spirit? What is stirring in your soul? Over these weeks of Advent preparation, I have been surprised and perplexed by how much I have experienced doubt. Doubt in myself, doubt in others, doubt in our world getting any better, doubt […]
Wilderness Waiting
Simply waiting has become a waste of time, a space to be filled with quick plans, funny screen-shots or solitary games on some handy device. When I took the Metro down to the Festival Center for their annual “chocolate and caroling” singalong, I noticed that everyone on the train was glued to a cellphone, and […]