
Heavy – May 23, 2022

That timeI thought I could notgo any closer to griefwithout dying I went closer,and I did not die.Surely Godhad his hand in this, as well as friends.Still, I was bent,and my laughter,as the poet said, was nowhere to be found.Then said my friend Daniel(brave even among lions),“It is not the weight you carry but how […]


Loss has made me a misfit. Lost in my own life. My older brother died recently. Though I had in many ways been hoping for his release from the sufferings of disease, even expected it for about a week, it came as a shock. And with the shock, came a world of paralyzing sorrow. Strong family roots, shared values […]

Holy Week

I was raised Catholic with a rich tradition of liturgy to engage all my senses on this momentous walk with Jesus from Palm Sunday to Easter.* On Sunday we waved palm branches and sang with joy welcoming the One who came to save us. And barely catching our breath, we entered the Passion narrative with […]

Blind Hope

Expectancy and joy filled my heart as I arrived at Dayspring Silent Retreat Center to lead our first in-person open retreat since the pandemic closed our doors. The theme was “seeding hope in transition,” a theme that fired my prayer for a long time preceding this October weekend. What I quickly realized at the start […]