
The REAL Prayer – Aug. 2, 2019

“How easily we slide into thinking of our prayers as the “real” prayer. What is the “real” prayer, the grace we say at the table, or the meal that follows it? And if we pray at all times, as we should, our eating and drinking will be real prayer. Gratefulness will turn the whole meal […]

To Look with Wonderment – July 31, 2019

“Children have a better chance to learn the art of tapping the Source of Meaning, the art of prayer. But even for us, it is never too late to recover that prayerfulness which is as natural to us as breathing. The child within us stays alive. And that child within us never lose the talent […]

Hope – July 12, 2019

“There is a close connection between hope and hopes, but we must not confuse the two. We set our hopes on something we can imagine. But hope is open for the unimaginable. The opposite of hopes is hopelessness. The opposite of hope is despair. One can cling desperately to one’s hopes. But even in a […]

Heart – July 11, 2019

“Whenever we speak of the heart, we mean the whole person. Only at heart are we whole. The heart stands for that center of our being where we are one with ourselves, one with all others, one with God. The heart is ever restless in the quest for God, and yet, deep down, it is […]