
Living in God’s Kingdom – Nov. 10, 2022

“When Merton told me that “one thing for sure about heaven is that there is not going to be much of you there,” he was, I think, referring to the mystery that even now we are in God’s kingdom. And that even now we can begin to realize it if we but die to egocentric […]

Our Deepest Freedom – Nov. 8, 2022

“Our deepest freedom rests not in our freedom to do what we want to do but rather in our freedom to become who God wills us to be.” -James Finley, Merton’s Palace of Nowhere, p. 73

Judgement and Hope – Dec. 7, 2021

“A prophet is someone that tries to articulate the world as though God were really active in the world. And, that means on the one hand, to identify those parts of our world order that are contradictory to God, and on the other hand, it means to talk about the will and purpose that God […]

I Heard Your Call – Nov. 12. 2020

Lord Jesus Christ,You were poorand in distress, a captive and forsaken as I am.You know all man’s troubles;You abide with mewhen all men fail me;It is your will that I should know youand turn to you.Lord, I heard you call and follow;Help me. –Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison