
I remember when my husband and I had just indulged in giant-scoop ice cream cones of our favorite flavor, jamoca almond fudge. Stumbling on the cobblestone pavement, his cone flipped, and the ice cream fell out. A young child behind us gasped and stepped up, holding out her own cone as solace. Who could have imagined this magnanimous […]

Ongoing Work – Nov. 17, 2022

“I keep making mistakes, even the same ones over and over. I repeatedly attempt (and fail) to keep God and my fellow humans at arm’s length. I say no when I should say yes. I say yes when I should say no. I stumble into holy moments not realizing where I am until they are […]

Just Joy

The stories come, as Jesus’ stories often do, because people are grumbling at him.* He is hanging out with “sinners” again, and the religious folk don’t like it. So Jesus tells two parallel parables, the lost sheep and the lost coin, both of which he likens to repentant sinners. I’m not the first to notice […]

Your Reign of Peace – July 28, 2022

Heavenly Father, heavenly Mother, Holy and blessed is your true name. We pray for your reign of peace to come, We pray that your good will be done,Let heaven and earth become one.Give us this day the bread we need, Give it to those who have none.Let forgiveness flow like a river between us,From each […]