
The Source – Feb. 21, 2020

“We open our awareness to the Ultimate Mystery whom we know by faith is within us, closer than breathing, closer than choosing, closer than consciousness itself.  The Ultimate Mystery is the ground in which our being is rooted, the source from whom our life emerges at every moment.” –Thomas Keating, Open Mind, Open Heart

Vision Implies Grace – Dec. 6, 2019

“If we are to follow visions, we cannot be over concerned with what the church is not doing. The very word “vision” implies grace—that which is not seen by ordinary eyes. The following of a vision, therefore, means a willingness to be out alone in a strange land, confident that God keeps us company there […]

Do What is Ours to Do

I wonder if they were surprised when Jesus said they didn’t need more faith, that even the tiniest seed of faith is enough. What matters is to put faith into practice, to do what is ours to do. Like bookends, at the start is, “Increase our faith,” and at the end, “We have done what […]

Faith – July 10, 2019

“To have faith does not primarily mean believing something, but rather believing in someone. Faith is trust. It takes courage to trust. The opposite of faith is not disbelief, but distrust, fear. Fear makes us cling to anything within reach. Fear clings even to beliefs… Faith is the courage to respond gratefully to every given […]