
Separate No More – Oct. 13, 2021

“I think money is one of the easiest subjects to compartmentalize, to put it off as separate from the rest of life. From the rest of the gospel. But this is a deadly pursuit. Money needs to be integrated into our whole Faith framework. In our feeling tones, it needs to be connected to the […]

Body-knowing – Sep. 20, 2021

“In the ancient language of Wisdom, the [physical] moving center carries the “affirming force”; its natural aptitude is for reaching out, embracing, making contact. The intellectual center carries the “denying force”; its natural aptitude is for reasoning, doubting, making fine discriminations. In their own right, these discriminatory skills are legitimate and profoundly necessary, built into […]

A Token of God’s Presence – Aug. 27, 2021

“This faith will not offer me much to hold on to. It will not give me a safe place to settle. Practicing it will require me to celebrate the sacraments of defeat and loss, but since the religion I know best has a lot to say about losing as the precondition for finding, I can […]

The Good News – Aug. 26, 2021

“The good news is that dark and light, faith and doubt, divine absence and presence, do not exist at opposite poles. Instead, they exist with and within each other, like distinct waves that roll out of the same ocean and roll back into it again. As different as they are, they come from and return […]