

Glory* is one of those weird, special, Christian-ish words that rarely gets used in everyday life. While the official definition has something to do with praise and honor, in my mind it is always connected with light. A long, long time ago, when I lived in Jerusalem, I became friendly with a woman that I […]

Summoned – Jan. 23, 2023

“In the stew of everyday problems and ordinary life tasks we gain opportunities to do something about them. This, combined with the cultivation of our talents as we discover them, helps us arrive at our callings. We find ourselves summoned to make something better, to do something worthwhile. When we say yes to the summons, […]

Solace Blessing – Mar. 24, 2022

That’s it.That’s all this blessingknows how to do: Shine your shoes.Fill your refrigerator.Water your plants.Make some soup. All the thingsyou cannot thinkto do yourselfwhen the world has come apart,when nothingwill be normalagain. …. –Jan Richardson, from “Solace Blessing“, The Cure for Sorrow, p. 77

The Most Qualified – Dec. 13, 2021

“My friend Tullian put it this way: “Those most qualified to speak the gospel are those who truly know how unqualified they are to speak the gospel.” Never once did Jesus scan the room for the best example of holy living and send that person out to tell others about him. He always sent stumblers […]