
Smashing Convention

Of course, I had to read the recent NYT article “Kung Fu Nuns of Nepal Smash Convention.” It described how a group of Buddhist nuns are challenging longstanding traditional concepts about what women can and can’t do by practicing Kung Fu, which gives them “inner confidence” and readies them to “take care of others during crises.” And they […]

Seeking the Arts – Mar. 1, 2022

“Make your soul a seeker of the arts and your environment a holy site that rejects the tawdry, the artificial, and the vulgar. If the question is whether it is possible to have a real spiritual life without a sense of beauty, the answer of an ancient and anonymous poet is a simple one: “When […]

Following God’s Lead – Feb. 24, 2022

“I don’t think we can become too vulnerable. I’m waiting for the time that the whole world is suddenly too vulnerable. Then we all look around and say, we all have to stop. We have to share. We have to make sure there is enough to eat all over the world. We can teach each […]

Intercessory Prayer for Protecting Dayspring Silent Retreat Center

Gracious God, the eyes of our hearts see the planned M83 Highway through Dayspring as relocated; the integrity of the Dayspring Silent Retreat Center protected; this, or something better, manifested for our community, in totally satisfying and harmonious ways, to the highest good of all concerned. And so it is. May the grace of this seeing help […]