
Long Road to Justice

Having just spent a day in Memphis, Tennessee, I am reminded of how much of our shared experience has been an impulse towards justice – and how much has been retrenchment into the compulsion for control to benefit a few.   The day was one of contrasts.  In the morning, staff from the appropriately named Hope Credit […]

Responding to LOVE – Oct. 6, 2022

“The greatness of the saints lies not in their doing; their greatness lies in their response to LOVE which ever beckons them and empowers them to love. In the end, their greatness lies in their willingness to relinquish all for the sake of LOVE, to be united with LOVE. In this oneness they come to […]

Never Hunger, Never Thirst

The crowds searched for Jesus, hoping for another miracle. The people search him out, seeking a miraculous sign.* Or rather, seeking yet another sign. And another. And then, maybe another, if you don’t mind. We keep asking for more and more of what we already have. We want to see again what we have been […]

Returning Changes – Dec. 4, 2020

“The pathways in the lives of today’s pilgrims first lead away, to places of detachment and withdrawal, yielding a grounding clarity about the world’s realities and spiritual empowerment for the way forward. Then, faithful pilgrims return, walking into the public square with a transforming presence and witness. In the end, pilgrims leave the Empire behind […]