Into the Heart of Every Christian – Aug. 18, 2022

“As I understand it, into the heart of every Christian, Christ comes, and Christ goes. When, by his Grace, the landscape of the heart becomes vast and deep and limitless, then Christ makes His abode in that graceful heart, and His will prevails. The experience is recognized as Peace. In the absence of this experience […]

Two Great Requests – Aug. 15, 2022

“Jesus never asked anyone to form a church, ordain priests, develop elaborate rituals and institutional cultures, and splinter into denominations. His two great requests were that we “love one another as I have loved you” and that we share bread and wine together as an open channel of that interabiding love.” ―Cynthia Bourgeault, The Wisdom […]

Doubt and Trust

As I write this, it is still Lent, and in the locked room of my imagination Jesus is still headed towards the cross, and not yet walking through walls to join the cowering disciples who watched their hopes die along with him on the cross.* Instead of replying “He is risen, indeed” to the victorious […]

A Visible Community – Oct. 6, 2020

“Only a visible community where one can experience the breaking down of the dividing walls within oneself will make witness to a God who calls us out of estrangement and isolation.” –Elizabeth O’Connor, Journey Inward, Journey Outward (1968), p. 104