
One Essential Unity

The Gospel today is a hallmark scripture for the Trinity, the theological Essential Unity in the Christian tradition.* Theology, cosmology, psychology, biology, so many “ologies” I can think of, increasingly speak to me of an essential unity. That unity may show up with different names, like energy, God, harmony, wholeness. As my life unfolds in this fragmented, […]

Being Alive – Jan. 29, 2020

“Attempts to divide ourselves into divine and not divine break us apart. Better for our overall composure to focus on whether a particular call has integrity or not, whether it makes us feel more or less authentic, more or less connected to ourselves and others, more or less right, not morally but intuitively. Better to […]

Servanthood – Sept. 6, 2019

“God’s compassion is total, absolute, unconditional, without reservation. It is the compassion of the one who keeps going to the most forgotten corners of the world, and who cannot rest as long as knowing that there are still human beings with tears in their eyes. It is the compassion of a God who does not […]