Contemplative Leadership

At the end of a seminar on contemplative spiritual leadership, one person said what I was feeling: How special it is to be with not just one, but a whole group of people who value this kind of leadership. There was a palpable sense of kinship around leading from within.  Not controlling, top-down leadership, but […]

The Only Protection from Betrayal – Apr. 3, 2023

“Created in the divine image and likeness, we can experience and express that divine likeness only through the bond of social and community relatedness. The only protection from betrayal is not to love, never to trust. The only security against becoming a Judas is never to become a disciple.” –Ray Anderson, The Gospel According to Judas (Helmers & Howard, […]

Smashing Convention

Of course, I had to read the recent NYT article “Kung Fu Nuns of Nepal Smash Convention.” It described how a group of Buddhist nuns are challenging longstanding traditional concepts about what women can and can’t do by practicing Kung Fu, which gives them “inner confidence” and readies them to “take care of others during crises.” And they […]

Loved, not Thought – Feb. 21, 2023

“He can certainly be loved, but not thought. He can be taken and held by love but not by thought.” –The Cloud of Unknowing, trans. James Walsh, Ch. 6, p. 130