
Self-care as a Discipline

Several years ago, I was heading into the most important and most stressful work situation I had ever faced. I knew it was coming, so I sat down and made a plan for staying sane: Take a break for exercise every day, even if it means going back to the office late into the night; […]

Fasting as Training – Aug. 18, 2020

“A fast is not about penitence and beating up on yourself. That’s a very medieval attitude that totally distorts the meaning of fasting. A fast is really training—exactly like athletic training—so that our whole embodied being can be tuned up to support a spiritual aim we wish to achieve.” –Cynthia Bourgeault, The Wisdom Jesus, pg. […]

Letting Go – Mar. 16, 2020

“Dwelling on this thought of letting go, and handing myself over to the Spirit will bring me much closer to the experience of Jesus than the word “discipline” that so many of us have been trained to invoke at the beginning of Lent. It should help us smile at our anxious attempts to bring our […]