Life is Community

Life is community is so beautiful. Life in community is so hard. There is so much I love about living in community with others. There is so much joy in walking with others through the highs and the lows of life. Community makes us stronger, reminds us that we are not alone, and helps us […]
The Soul Playing Hide and Seek – Feb. 6, 2023
“We may feel some aspects of our self to be difficult, perhaps those associated with our past. Most often we find these hiding or in exile. We may feel proud of other aspects of ourselves, perhaps those associated with where we want to go. These may reveal themselves clearly, or they may be hidden as […]
Harmony of the Whole
Until this past Sunday we had not worshipped in the woods for two years. We had become accustomed to our hybrid church in-person and on Zoom. And yet, even though that technology would not be possible in the woods at Dayspring, the Spirit moved us to go. I knew my heart had withered in some way […]