
No Longer at Ease Here – Jan. 12, 2023

All this was a long time ago, I remember,And I would do it again, but set downThis set downThis: were we led all that way forBirth or Death? There was a Birth, certainly,We had evidence and no doubt. I had seen birth and death,But had thought they were different; this Birth wasHard and bitter agony […]

Going By Another Way

I’ve heard and read the story of the Magi visiting the infant Jesus* so many times that the words slide past me without registering anything other than a slightly bored familiarity. T.S. Eliot’s poem, which once upon a time startled me with its immediacy and particularity of detail, has now become yet another expected, regular […]

Harmony of the Whole

Until this past Sunday we had not worshipped in the woods for two years. We had become accustomed to our hybrid church in-person and on Zoom. And yet, even though that technology would not be possible in the woods at Dayspring, the Spirit moved us to go. I knew my heart had withered in some way […]

Friendship – July 19, 2022

“Atheists sometimes ridicule Christians as having an ‘invisible friend’ [in Jesus]… We think friendship is juvenile, but it is not. Friendship may well be the hardest thing of all… it makes us different from the person we would be if we were alone, and, I daresay, it makes Jesus different as well… As Jesus risks […]