
Pentecost Hearing

Our talk began simply: “What’s good about writing an IO reflection? What’s hard for you?” We laughed as common complaints came up about keeping the reflection short enough for reading on a cell-phone, and nodded over differences in how long one needed to dwell with the scripture to let a personal experience emerge. Although we […]


Glory* is one of those weird, special, Christian-ish words that rarely gets used in everyday life. While the official definition has something to do with praise and honor, in my mind it is always connected with light. A long, long time ago, when I lived in Jerusalem, I became friendly with a woman that I […]

A Member of the Flock

I don’t like being called a sheep. As a city person, I don’t really know much about sheep, except that they are stupid, dirty, smelly creatures that stand around all day eating grass, willing to follow the crowd even if they are about to run off the cliff. I could be wrong, of course, but […]

Exploring the Dark to Become Light

It takes discipline for me to be visible in community. Valuing privacy, I’ve always liked to hang out in the back — in the shadows, perhaps — observing, taking it all in, revealing little of my interior self. A few years ago, I began a meditation practice where I learn to be present to myself, as […]