

Suddenly my summer garden has become lush and over-abundant. Nine-foot-high butterfly bushes bending with the weight of their purple blossoms, the late blooming hostas, towering jasmine vines, black-eyed Susans brightly appearing in new places, knockout roses in full bloom and still budding, and a veritable jungle of ferns. I go outside early for quiet time […]

Returning Changes – Dec. 4, 2020

“The pathways in the lives of today’s pilgrims first lead away, to places of detachment and withdrawal, yielding a grounding clarity about the world’s realities and spiritual empowerment for the way forward. Then, faithful pilgrims return, walking into the public square with a transforming presence and witness. In the end, pilgrims leave the Empire behind […]

Detachment – Aug. 14, 2019

“To let be and let go is to have no need to know what is going to happen how things are going to turn out. When one lives in the depths, one simply prefers to be open to the surprises of the moment and of all future moments, rather than to know the outcome.” –Gordon […]