But Now We See

Why do we get caught up in culture wars, arguing about what is sinful and who’s at fault? Worse yet, good church folk are not the only ones arguing about who’s got God on their side. Parties and nations do it too. Religiousity has entered our political realm at full volume. In today’s gospel reading, […]

Curious Ways – June 28, 2022

“[People who follow Jesus] have enemies in particular and curious ways, ways that do not makes sense within the structures of violent power-keeping around us. Instead, we are a people who have set down our lives within the reconciliation of all things… We love our enemies when we extend an invitation to a form of […]

A Troubled Heart

Today, as I write this, the newsfeed is filled with the aftermath of yet another shooting at a school, where 19 little children and two adults were killed and a lot of others wounded. I want to scream, “What goes through the mind of someone that makes it ok to shoot at little children?” Instead, […]

There Will Be Signs…

When I read about Jesus warning his disciples that there will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, distress among nations, and people fainting from fear and foreboding of what is coming upon the world,* I feel like I am reading the newspaper instead of words written two thousand years ago. Every […]