
Pouring Out Joy – Apr. 26, 2022

“In these days when nothing is constant, a single cup of constancy feels luxurious, even miraculous. Most of us don’t long for the whole world to be ours. We don’t crave constant praise from acolytes who guard our egos from injury. We aren’t consumed by the desire to have the entire banquet of life focused […]

Holy Week

I was raised Catholic with a rich tradition of liturgy to engage all my senses on this momentous walk with Jesus from Palm Sunday to Easter.* On Sunday we waved palm branches and sang with joy welcoming the One who came to save us. And barely catching our breath, we entered the Passion narrative with […]

Ritual and Reflection – Sep. 1, 2021

Sit with your cup in your hands.Notice if your cup is stained or not.Ask God to help you see one inner stain of yours.Be still and wait for this awareness to arise.Whether it is stained or not, take your cup to the sink.Prayerfully wash it with soap and water.As you do so, pray to be […]

Something – June 30, 2021

Something opens our wings. Somethingmakes boredom and hurt disappear.Someone fills the cup in front of us.We taste only sacredness. -Jelaluddin Rumi, trans. by Coleman Barks, The Essential Rumi, p. 280