
Practicing Gratitude – Jan. 14, 2022

“As praise became more a part of my days, I moved into a fuller understanding of how very vulnerable every one of us is. At the same time an unseen world swung into sharper focus. I began to feel safer than I had felt before, more able to give shelter to frightening feelings of inadequacy […]

Helpers and Guides – Jan. 13, 2022

“If anyone asked me to define an artist or a prophet, I think that I would say that he is the one who dares to act on the bold belief that he has a word to speak that would be healing if it could be heard. Actually, all human beings way down deep hold this […]

Resistance and Surrender to Call – Jan. 12, 2022

“When we are able to keep company with our own fears and sorrows, we are shown the way to go; our own parched lives are watered and the earth becomes a greener place.” –Elizabeth O’Connor, Cry Pain, Cry Hope, p. 84

On Hearing Call – Jan. 11, 2022

“Whether or not the call includes an outward journey, it always requires an inward one. We need to be delivered from all that binds and keeps the real self from breaking into music and becoming joy to the world.” –Elizabeth O’Connor, Cry Pain, Cry Hope, p. 81