
Moving On

A photo of the house Jack and Jackie Kennedy rented when they were newlyweds is for sale in Georgetown. A color photo of it appeared in the paper today with a black and white overlay of the bright young couple at the front door. I found myself remembering that different era of confidence and joyful possibility, before […]

Pick Up Your Cross – Mar. 3, 2023

“It took me quite awhile—years, actually—to realize that Jesus is not inviting me to be crucified. I’m just volunteering to pick up my cross and carry it. Maybe not with grace or even steadiness, moving ahead under its weight. And it’s my cross, not the cross Jesus was compelled to bear… I suspect that in […]


I remember when my husband and I had just indulged in giant-scoop ice cream cones of our favorite flavor, jamoca almond fudge. Stumbling on the cobblestone pavement, his cone flipped, and the ice cream fell out. A young child behind us gasped and stepped up, holding out her own cone as solace. Who could have imagined this magnanimous […]

Into the Heart of Every Christian – Aug. 18, 2022

“As I understand it, into the heart of every Christian, Christ comes, and Christ goes. When, by his Grace, the landscape of the heart becomes vast and deep and limitless, then Christ makes His abode in that graceful heart, and His will prevails. The experience is recognized as Peace. In the absence of this experience […]