
Accepting Love – July 21, 2021

“Alone with God, we feel no need to perform, to do. The pressure is off. That good, refreshing feeling is nothing less than an experience of God’s accepting love. It is the healing power of an eternal passion that is consummated in the reunion of creature and Creator. God is delighted by our act of […]

Love Rights – Jan. 19, 2021

“If we can call what for us is nature, ‘God’s creation’, we have already invoked its immanent transcendence. We have then recognized the Creator’s right to what [God] has created. And in so doing, we have also acknowledged the rights of our fellow creatures themselves, rights which exist quite apart from their value for us. […]

Lenten Psalm of Awakening – Mar. 27, 2020

Come, O Life-giving Creator, and rattle the door latch of my slumbering heart. Awaken me as you breathe upon a winter-wrapped earth, gently calling to life virgin Spring. Awaken in these fortified days of Lenten prayer and discipline my youthful dream of holiness. Call me forth from the prison camp of my numerous past defeats […]

Great Spirit Lives!

The Beatitudes* is one of the most moving spiritual passages ever written. It speaks astutely for itself, so mostly I’d like to “defer my time” and share a new translation of the text from the First Nations Version of The Gospels, Acts, and Ephesians (2017). The FNV editors expect to release the full New Testament […]