
Attuned to the Holy in the Flesh – Aug. 25, 2022

“The more attuned we become to the flesh God embraced and in which God dwells, exulting in its harmony, strength, and flexibility, learning how to bear its tensions and suffering gracefully, the more we glorify its Creator, the One who also chose to call it “home.” Being “spiritual” is not essentially a question of religious […]

Harmony of the Whole

Until this past Sunday we had not worshipped in the woods for two years. We had become accustomed to our hybrid church in-person and on Zoom. And yet, even though that technology would not be possible in the woods at Dayspring, the Spirit moved us to go. I knew my heart had withered in some way […]

Eternal Energy – June 13, 2022

“The Creator of the ends of the earth does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint; and strengthens the powerless… Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk […]

One Essential Unity

The Gospel today is a hallmark scripture for the Trinity, the theological Essential Unity in the Christian tradition.* Theology, cosmology, psychology, biology, so many “ologies” I can think of, increasingly speak to me of an essential unity. That unity may show up with different names, like energy, God, harmony, wholeness. As my life unfolds in this fragmented, […]