Peace Be With You

I can’t help thinking about the last time this passage* came up in the lectionary: April 2020. Five weeks into the pandemic shutdown, our world had been turned upside down. With every passing week, reality seemed to become less and less tethered to… well, reality. Things that had been inconceivable before the pandemic were happening […]

Living Each Day

The confluence of the turning of earth’s seasons, the occasion of my birthday, and the nearing transition of the Church’s liturgical cycle from Ordinary Time to Advent, has me pondering my days. My reflectiveness is also influenced by the uncertainty that continues with the COVID-19 pandemic and alarming reports on climate change. Sunday’s gospel* also […]

Just Believe

Is the world a friendly place or not? Einstein said each person’s answer is the key to the way one lives. I have considered this question many times over the years. Mostly my answer has been yes. Even in the face of the horrors of injustice, violence, and death, my yes has strengthened the resolve […]

A Stormy Season

Recently, I heard a group of liturgical scholars refer to these long months of pandemic as “Covidtide,” almost as if it were an official season of the church year. Unlike the joyful twelve-day period of Christmastide, which leads to the celebration of the unveiling Christ’s glory at Epiphany, the season of Covidtide has been marked […]