
The Line

A channel, a conduit, a portal, a pathway, a hollow bone — each carry something, allowing it to pass through. A line, a thread — they pull what is moving through me. Whose line am I holding? I begin with my own. I look just like my father, whose name I carry, and whose legacy I hold. My […]

Unshakeable Confidence – Oct. 10, 2022

“We must learn to act differently from those who always hesitate… We must be clear about what we want, we must ask whether we’re up to it, and then we must do it with unshakeable confidence… All we can do is to live in the assurance and faith.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison, p. […]

What Is Your Gift? – May 11, 2020

“The most important thing each of us can know is our unique gift and how to use it in the world. Individuality is cherished and nurtured, because, in order for the whole to flourish, each of us has to be strong in who we are and carry our gifts with conviction, so they can be […]