Two Great Requests – Aug. 15, 2022

“Jesus never asked anyone to form a church, ordain priests, develop elaborate rituals and institutional cultures, and splinter into denominations. His two great requests were that we “love one another as I have loved you” and that we share bread and wine together as an open channel of that interabiding love.” ―Cynthia Bourgeault, The Wisdom […]

A Soul’s Worth

The direction she gave was exactly as my mother taught, so I knew it to be a perennial truth, even though I was five years old. Our kindergarten teacher, Ms. Olive Garrett, took Richard by the hand, whispering in his ear, showing him how to share the wooden blocks he was hoarding. I was the student […]

One Essential Unity

The Gospel today is a hallmark scripture for the Trinity, the theological Essential Unity in the Christian tradition.* Theology, cosmology, psychology, biology, so many “ologies” I can think of, increasingly speak to me of an essential unity. That unity may show up with different names, like energy, God, harmony, wholeness. As my life unfolds in this fragmented, […]

Holy Week

I was raised Catholic with a rich tradition of liturgy to engage all my senses on this momentous walk with Jesus from Palm Sunday to Easter.* On Sunday we waved palm branches and sang with joy welcoming the One who came to save us. And barely catching our breath, we entered the Passion narrative with […]