
Humility is Human

“He took a little child,” “He called a little child to him,” “Jesus called the children to him,” “He took the children in his arms…” these are fragments from Matthew, Mark and Luke when Jesus gathered to himself those he called “little ones.” When his disciples were arguing about who among them was the greatest or […]

Who Is My Family?

What a hard challenge Mary and her family faced! They were faced with relinquishing their privileged place in Jesus’ life and opening to his cosmic vision of family; an invitation to move from a conception of family as a closed, almost sacred, unit, to a wildly welcoming space, with no boundaries except to love. When […]

Peace Becomes the Password

John 20:19-33 Across the street from the house where I live, there are two enormous tulip magnolia trees. Right now, they are in full bud, not yet opened, and I have been looking at them all day because we are in the midst of a winter-mix downpour. My car windshield is covered with slush. But […]