In Praise of Shouting

One of my earliest memories took place when I was in kindergarten. We sat in our little chairs around hexagonal tables, gripping fat crayons in our tiny hands as we colored. I was happily working away at my drawing when the boy sitting next to me stole some of my crayons. (In my memory, they […]
Bearing the Pain

“Maryam” by Eman Harman – from the permanent collection of Dar Al Kalima University, Bethlehem Over the past few days, I listened to a podcast of painful interviews with some of the Israelis who had been held hostage in Gaza. The front page of the newspaper carried heartbreaking photos of Palestinians who have lost homes […]
Counting Our Days

Autumn is upon us. Earth’s invitation is to harvest the final fruits of summer’s bounty, give thanks, and then let go into the mystery of dying. We are invited to take stock of our lives. What are our priorities? What of our bounty might we be called to share? How does the mystery of death […]
Childlike Faith

Last year I was showing my nephew a magic trick. I took a bottle cap and pretended to make it disappear and reappear by “pulling it” out of his ear. He was amazed. “Pull it out of her ear,” he said pointing to my wife. Over and over again, what seemed like an hour, I […]