What is True?

Christ Pantocrator at Saint Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna 6th century mosaic As the election noise gets quieter in my head and in the news, the ancient round of the Christian tradition reminds me that no matter who holds the titles and the powers that human rulers take on, Jesus calls to live in the eternal […]
The True Temple

Right after watching that widow drop in her two pennies, right after Jesus pointed out what real abundance looks like — yes, immediately after! – one of the disciples points out the impressiveness of the buildings and how mighty the stones are in the Temple walls.* He does not comment on how mighty the widow […]
Between Us

I am writing this reflection on the “pre” side of election. You are reading this reflection on the “post” side of the election. The news last night said that shopkeepers in DC and elsewhere are boarding up their modern, glass windows, just in case. I feel myself bracing too. Daily meditation is a cornerstone of […]
For All the Saints

What sparked my interest in Church of the Saviour was a 1963 article by Elizabeth O’Connor in Faith at Work magazine titled “What We Need is More Saints!” I had never thought of ordinary people as saints. Far from it. All the people I knew were sinners of one magnitude or another. But saints, she said, […]