
Making Space

Astonished, I end our zoom meeting and sit, staring into space. My proffered gift has been accepted. He’ll pay for shipping. All I need to do is select the pieces that will fit the large cabinet that he has purchased for their permanent display in The Museo. Now the inner work begins. It’s time to […]


In an all night prayer ceremony on All Soul’s Day, honoring those who have gone before, we held vigil on the thinnest night of the year, where the veil between heaven and earth is like gossamer. A time torn between grief and praise.  At dusk, the next night, I saw a fox slink along a city […]

Holy Awakening

O Most Holy One, thank you for this day.Thank you for your love.Thank you for the opportunity to love. This Sunday is the first day of the season of Advent preparation for the coming of Christ. A time of waiting, watching, wondering, and nurturing our souls to be welcoming. WAKE UP! The gospel reading is quite jarring.* Every […]

What is True?

Christ Pantocrator at Saint Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna 6th century mosaic As the election noise gets quieter in my head and in the news, the ancient round of the Christian tradition reminds me that no matter who holds the titles and the powers that human rulers take on, Jesus calls to live in the eternal […]