This Is (Not) a Test

When I was in elementary school in 1950s Los Angeles, we would practice hiding under our desks and covering our heads whenever the teacher would shout “Drop” so that we would know what to do if there were an earthquake or a nuclear bomb. And at 10am on the last Friday of every month, the […]
Mountaintop Experience

Before and after this Sunday’s gospel story, Jesus is telling his disciples that what lies ahead is his betrayal, suffering, death, and resurrection; and too, that if they are to be his followers, they are to deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow him. In this context, the Transfiguration happens – a […]
How to Have an Enemy

Loving my enemies is a hard teaching even when I’m thinking about it in the abstract, with imagined foes, or at least ones that feel sufficiently distant. But right now, in this current political moment, when I feel acutely aware of who my enemies are and the damage they continue to inflict, it feels crushing […]
A Practice for Healing and Hope

People often ask me, what is your practice? How are you getting through these days? Many encourage resistance and endurance. As I ponder the questions, their good words help. Mostly though, I feel sad and helpless. I want to be bold and creative. I remember when those wonderful words described me, at least from time […]