A Suffering Love

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” This old saying echoed around my childhood and most likely yours. And it’s a bold faced lie. Of the painful words I can still remember, cast in stone ages ago, the scars remain. I read them in my body like braille. In my work […]

Surrendering to Unity – Mar. 17, 2023

An Aramaic interpretation of John 4:24:      “Those who surrender to Unity,     bowing to it in utmost adoration,     must do so in breath and harmony,     like the sense of right direction      that drives the universal winds.” –Neil Douglas-Klotz, The Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual message of the Aramaic Jesus, p. 43

You Can’t Go Home Again – Feb. 27, 2023

“Home is seldom where we think it is. Perhaps we are always leaving Eden from the moment we emerge from our mother’s body, the first day at kindergarten, through the storms of adolescence right down to the moment when we draw our last breath.” –Margaret Guenther, Walking Home: From Eden to Emmaus (Morehouse Publishing, 2011), p. 8

Turtle’s Waiting – Nov. 28, 2022

“Sunk in its bottom-mud, for six months she will not draw air into her lungs. To survive a cold that would kill her, or slow her so that predators would kill her, she slows herself beyond breath in a place where breath is not possible… It’s this radical simplicity that will save her. And deep […]