Making Disciples

Every day, they walked a glassy bridge from their spare rented room to the oncology unit for his chemo treatments. She, the mother, had given a bone marrow transplant as a last hope. He, the homeless son, needed that. She had locked her door against him when he started to steal her things, pawning them […]

Growing Up – May 12, 2023

“Many others give up their boundaries before they have them, always seeking their identity in another group, experience, possession, or person. Beliefs like, “She will make me happy,” or “He will take away my loneliness,” or “This group will make me feel like I belong” become a substitute for doing the hard work of growing up. It […]

The Burning

I’ve come to start a fire…      —Luke 12:49-56, The Message In the days when a hearth fire kept the family alive, our ancestors learned to bank the fire before they went to sleep, pushing the logs and coals together to preserve the slow burning. It was important to keep it smoldering through the night, ready to […]


Last week I visited a friend’s family. Their 3-year-old grandson repeatedly fell apart while testing boundaries and losing. This is normal behavior for his age. Still, I was struck by the intensity of his grief. It was real and loud. I was also struck by the tender love of his parents. Each time, one of […]