
Rest – July 8, 2022

“I see the longing and despair all around me, and I think of Christ lying in the boat with his head on a pillow while the waves toss their craft around. Everyone is frantic, thinking death itself has come for them, and the creator of the universe is fast asleep. Glory. Sometimes the appropriate response […]

Recognizing Jesus

Sometimes there are so many interesting details in one Bible story that I don’t know where to look. This third encounter between the resurrected Jesus and the disciples* is one such story: Peter naked in the boat, hurriedly putting his clothes back on before diving into the water; the very specific count of fish. When […]

A Stormy Season

Recently, I heard a group of liturgical scholars refer to these long months of pandemic as “Covidtide,” almost as if it were an official season of the church year. Unlike the joyful twelve-day period of Christmastide, which leads to the celebration of the unveiling Christ’s glory at Epiphany, the season of Covidtide has been marked […]

Journeying Soul – Jan. 30, 2020

“When your ship, long moored in harbor, gives you the illusion of being a house… Put out to sea! Save your boat’s journeying soul, and your own pilgrim soul, cost what it may.” —Hélder Câmara