Chickadee Waits – Nov. 29, 2022

“A chickadee on a winter night burns through all the calories it ate during the day. Before dawn, as soon as there’s light enough to see, the chickadee flutters out, famished, its tiny brain intent on seeds. Tiny, its brain, but bigger now, in Advent, than in spring… Inside that black skullcap his hippocampus is […]

Dignity – July 4, 2022

“Perhaps the more superior we believe ourselves to be to creation, the less like God we become. But if we embrace shalom—the idea that everything is suspended in a delicate balance between the atoms that make me and the tree and this bird and the sky—if we embrace the beauty of all creatures, we find our […]

Fearful Longing – July 17, 2020

“Prayer is like lying awake at night, afraid, with your head under the cover, hearing only the beating of your own heart. It is like a bird that has blundered down the flue and is caught indoors and flutters at the windowpanes. It is like standing a long time on a cold day, knocking at […]