Life is Community

Life is community is so beautiful. Life in community is so hard. There is so much I love about living in community with others. There is so much joy in walking with others through the highs and the lows of life. Community makes us stronger, reminds us that we are not alone, and helps us […]
But Now We See
Why do we get caught up in culture wars, arguing about what is sinful and who’s at fault? Worse yet, good church folk are not the only ones arguing about who’s got God on their side. Parties and nations do it too. Religiousity has entered our political realm at full volume. In today’s gospel reading, […]
Original Blessing – Nov. 1, 2022
“If a child grows up being told she is ugly or stupid or selfish, at some level, she comes to believe that about herself. The descriptions haunt her self-understanding, and she lives in a state of doubt about her deepest identity. This is exactly what has happened in relation to the doctrine of original sin, […]
Living Faith
I have been pondering what it means to have faith. To cultivate a life where I listen with the ear of the heart and act with the conviction that my life is meant to bear witness to Love. But not just me and my life, you and yours too, each of us born to be a […]