
To Stand in Awe – June 26, 2020

“See how they love one another.” Not a bad gauge of health. “There was no needy person among them.” A better metric would be hard to find. There is one line that stopped me in my tracks: “And awe came upon everyone.” It would seem that, quite possibly, the ultimate measure of health in any […]

What If? – June 24, 2020

“What if we ceased to pledge our allegiance to the bottom line and stood, instead, with those who line the bottom?” ―Gregory Boyle, Barking to the Choir: The Power of Radical Kinship

Longings – June 23, 2020

“Our culture is hostile only to the inauthentic living of the gospel. It sniffs out hypocrisy everywhere and knows when Christians aren’t taking seriously, what Jesus took seriously. It is, by and large, hostile to the right things. It actually longs to embrace the gospel of inclusion and nonviolence, of compassionate love and acceptance. Even […]

As Settlers – June 22, 2020

“Human beings are settlers, but not in the pioneer sense. It is our human occupational hazard to settle for little. We settle for purity and piety when we are being invited to an exquisite holiness. We settle for the fear-driven when love longs to be our engine. We settle for a puny, vindictive God when […]